Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hooray, Digital Cameras!

With all the blessings of electronic communication, life is easier for an artist (although a wee bit more cluttered). My best critic lives about twenty miles away from me, but with my digital camera, I can snap my paintings at any stage and email them to her for comment. Saving a trip means I can act instantly on her advice, sometimes even while I'm in the same painting session.

The series of photos also gives me a record of past mistakes to learn from on other projects. I would encourage every artist to have such a trusted and respected colleague; a knowledgeable friend who genuinely wants you to succeed.

Here is the painting I've been having such a hard time with. At the risk of dents in my ego, I invite you to seriously study it, and give me constructive advice on it. particularly, I need to know whether I have the boy's and the toddler's hair or heads too large. This is a genuine request, since I seem to be too subjective with it, and I can't see it.

-- Nancy

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